Common Chaos Chronicle – Win Disney Club Penguin Coin Cards Giveaway

Holiday Boredom Buster – Club Penguin + {An Awesome Giveaway!}

The summer holiday break is the one that more often than not, has me hanging on the edge of insanity…. Why? because entertaining 6 Monsters on a minimal budget (and who isn’t broke right after Xmas????) is not easy by any stretch of the imagination.

It certainly doesn’t take them long to start with the “I’m Bored…..” whining and constant nagging for something to do.

Sound familiar?

I may just have the answer to eliminating a few of the whinges this summer!

Club Penguin

Now I am a huge advocate of ranting at kids to get away from computer/phone screens, but the reality is, for so many kids these days, playing computer games is just another part of their day to day existence.

At Chaos HQ, we limit gaming time throughout the school terms but slacken it off a little during the holidays, especially the long summer holidays where the heat outside is too much over extended periods of time.

What is important to us though, is that the children are playing and using age appropriate games in their screen time, as I know the older ones in particular would love to just sit on the couch playing MonsterSquad Dad’s violent video games to their hearts content….Ugh!

Disney’s CLUB PENGUIN (aimed at ages 6-12yrs) has been a favourite in this house for a while now, as they can play a FREE version online at and on the iPad.

Not sure what it’s all about??? Here’s an outline:

“Club Penguin is the #1 virtual world for children aged 6-12. It’s more than just an online game; imagine a snow-covered world where children can discover online friendships and communities, develop skills, rally together for a great cause, train to be a ninja, donate to charity, adopt a pet, explore new creative outlets and let their imaginations soar – that world is Club Penguin!

With new exciting games and parties planned every month, it’s got Australian kids hooked!

What makes Club Penguin different to other virtual worlds?

Club Penguin is part of The Walt Disney Company and uses highly advanced safety practices to make sure online playtime is fun for kids and provides peace of mind for parents. Parents can choose between ‘Standard Safe Chat’ and ‘Ultimate Safe Chat’ among other safety features.

Club Penguin also disguises learning with game play in an engaging platform that helps players develop and grow. Children can practice reading, develop keyboard skills, participate in creative role-play and even practice math by accumulating and spending virtual coins!

The award-winning world of Club Penguin contains no third-party advertising and is free to use and enjoy, however a subscription membership provides access to additional features that enhance the play experience”.

My favourite part about this game is their ‘Coins for Change’ initiative, which is part of their Global Citizenship program, designed to teach children about charitable giving and giving back to the community. Children are able to donate their earned coins and vote to determine how a real life ’1 million’ dollars should be spent and donated to charities.

To date, the player of Club Penguin have donated over 10 Million dollars to charities in over 40 countries worldwide, which is a fair effort from little gamers if you ask me!

I have also discovered that Club Penguin are bringing their message to schools with the roll out of four ‘term based’ in-class activities. Nothing like sneaking some education in around all the fun now is there… 🙂

The ‘Coins For Change’ initiative is currently underway and teaches children about the importance of taking action to help others through in-class activities which 1,800 primary schools nationally are taking part in.

Now because I know how kids work, and how they love to nag the ears off us parents for all the extra bells and whistles, I have secured 5 Club Penguin Coin Cards to giveaway, to 5 lucky readers of Common Chaos Chronicle these holidays.

Club Penguin Coin Cards

Each card is valued at $17.95 and entitles your gamer to 2,500 COINS! So certainly worth entering for a chance at a mid holiday surprise!

Simply tell me on this blog post,

what you as a parent would name your own Club Penguin Character if you signed up to the site today……

I will be judging the answers on the names that make me laugh the most so make them funny (but not crude!).

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, so you don’t miss the winners update when they’re announced!

Oh and for those moments when you simply must evict the monsters off the computer, supply them with a Club Penguin Colouring Page to keep them busy. Click HERE to find them!

The Fine Print.

* Competition is open to Australian Residents Only.

* Competition closes on the 10th January 2014 at 5pm ESDST.

* Judges decision is final.

* Answers will be judged on entertainment value… ie: how hard I laugh, because I’ll need a good laugh by mid Jan to combat the stir crazy the kids will have sent me by then!

* Winners will be emailed and have 48hrs to respond before another winner is chosen.

* If you enter, use a current email address and double check the spelling before you submit your entry 🙂

*** The MonsterSquad were supplied with a Club Penguin Card each in exchange for their mother doing more work to keep the peace over summer ***