Holiday Hair 1 of 10 Easy Beach Wavers

Brief Terms & Conditions

Close Wednesday 30th December at 6pm (AEDT)

Your Chance To Win

Win one of 10 easy beach wavers!……one for you and your bestie

Our official launch is just around the corner so to celebrate we are giving you the chance to WIN one of 10 Easy Beach Wavers!……One for you and your Bestie!

Per instagramby entering entrants confirm they are 18+ years of age release instagram of responsibility and agree to instagram’s terms of use

Entries close wednesday 30th december at 6pm aedt

Entrants confirm they are 18+ years of age release instagram of responsibility and agree to instagram’s terms of use

Winners will be chosen via random generator, announced on our stories and contacted by DM.

How To Enter

To enter please visit

To WIN one of 10 Easy Beach Wavers!……One for you and your Bestie!