New Idea Puzzles 52 closes 5pm – Competition (prize valued at $1,000)

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1. Information on how to enter and prizes form part of the Terms and Conditions. Entry
into this competition deems acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
2. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any other
reference to this competition, these Terms and Conditions prevail.
Who can enter
3. Entry is open to ALL residents of Australia and New Zealand except employees and
immediate families of the Promoter, associated companies and agencies and
participating outlets. Immediate family means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse,
defacto spouse, child or step child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step parent,
grandparent, step grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step brother,
step sister or 1st cousin. The Promoter is Are Media Pty Limited 54 Park Street, Sydney
NSW 2000 (ABN 18 053 273 546) and their Draw premisies is Greeneagle Distribution
and Fulfilment, Unit 5/9 Fitzpatrick Street, Revesby NSW 2212.
4. All entrants under the age of 18 must obtain the prior permission of their legal parent or
guardian over the age of 18 to enter. The parent or guardian of the entrant must read
and consent to all Terms and Conditions. The parent or guardian may be called to verify
consent and may be required to sign a release at the discretion of the Promoter. The
release will require the winner’s parent or guardian to accept responsibility for the acts
and forbearances of the winner. The release will include the full name, address and
telephone number of the winner’s legal guardian. Failure to provide such proof,
particulars or releases will immediately invalidate the winner’s entitlement to the prize,
subject to State and Territory legislation.
5. Any entrants under the age of 18 must obtain the prior permission of the bill payer and
their legal parent or guardian over the age of 18 to enter. The parent or guardian may be
called to verify consent and may be required to sign a release at the discretion of the
Promoter. The release will also require the winner’s parent or guardian to accept
responsibility for the acts and forbearances of the winner. The release must include the
full name, address and telephone number of the winner’s legal guardian. Failure to
provide such proof, particulars or releases will immediately invalidate the winner’s
entitlement to the prize, subject to State and Territory legislation.
How to enter
6. Enter as many times as you wish, by mailing in the original entry form; or
7. Enter online at
8. Entries must include all requested contact details to be eligible to win. Entrants may
only enter in their own name. Inaudible, incomprehensible, illegible, and incomplete
entries will be deemed invalid. All entries become the property of the Promoter and
cannot be returned.
9. All entrants may enter as many times as they like but only ONE prize will be awarded
per household, however minor prize winners will also have a chance at winning the
major prize. Residents of South Australia may be awarded one prize per entry.
10. Only ONE entry permitted per copy of New Idea magazine purchased. All entrants must
retain their original receipts, documents or tags to validate proof of purchase during the
promotional period. Such evidence must, on request by the Promoter, be provided to
the reasonable satisfaction of the Promoter, which demonstrates that the winner is an
eligible entrant and has complied with these Terms and Conditions. The Promoter has
sole discretion to determine if this clause has been breached by any entrant. The
Promoter reserves the right to request whatever documentation it deems necessary to
confirm if the entrant has breached this clause. An entrant must provide any requested
documentation to the Promoter upon request.
Open, Close, Draw and Publish dates
11. The entire competition commences 29/06/20 at 0900 AEDT and closes entirely on
17/01/21 at 1700 AEST. Entries must be received by the Promoter prior to the competition
close date and time.
12. The weekly competitions commence on [refer to date schedule at Clause 16] at 9am
AEST/AEDT and close on [refer to date schedule at Clause 16] –at 5pm AEST/ AEDT.
13. Each draw of mail entries and online entries will begin at the Promoter’s premises from
08.30 AEST/AEDT on [refer to date schedule at Clause 16]. The Promoter will ensure that
all entries have an equal chance of winning the major prize. Unless indicated otherwise,
all times are based on Sydney local time.
14. The winners’ will be notified by mail and names of all winners will be published in New
Idea magazine on-sale [refer to date schedule at Clause 16] respectively.
6-Jul-20 27 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 29-Jun-20 12-Jul-20
13-Jul-20 28 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 6-Jul-20 19-Jul-20
20-Jul-20 29 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 13-Jul-20 26-Jul-20
27-Jul-20 30 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 20-Jul-20 2-Aug-20
3-Aug-20 31 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 27-Jul-20 9-Aug-20
10-Aug-20 32 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 3-Aug-20 16-Aug-20
17-Aug-20 33 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 10-Aug-20 23-Aug-20
24-Aug-20 34 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 17-Aug-20 30-Aug-20
31-Aug-20 35 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 24-Aug-20 6-Sep-20
7-Sep-20 36 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 31-Aug-20 13-Sep-20
14-Sep-20 37 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 7-Sep-20 20-Sep-20
21-Sep-20 38 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 14-Sep-20 27-Sep-20
28-Sep-20 39 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 21-Sep-20 4-Oct-20
5-Oct-20 40 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 28-Sep-20 11-Oct-20
12-Oct-20 41 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 5-Oct-20 18-Oct-20
19-Oct-20 42 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 12-Oct-20 25-Oct-20
26-Oct-20 43 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 19-Oct-20 1-Nov-20
2-Nov-20 44 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 26-Oct-20 8-Nov-20
9-Nov-20 45 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 2-Nov-20 15-Nov-20
16-Nov-20 46 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 9-Nov-20 22-Nov-20
23-Nov-20 47 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 16-Nov-20 29-Nov-20
30-Nov-20 48 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 23-Nov-20 6-Dec-20
7-Dec-20 49 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 30-Nov-20 13-Dec-20
14-Dec-20 50 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 7-Dec-20 20-Dec-20
21-Dec-20 51 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 14-Dec-20 27-Dec-20
28-Dec-20 52 PO BOX 71 PRIVATE BAG 92039 21-Dec-20 3-Jan-21
4-Jan-21 1 PO BOX 72 PRIVATE BAG 92039 28-Dec-20 10-Jan-21
11-Jan-21 2 PO BOX 70 PRIVATE BAG 92039 4-Jan-21 17-Jan-21 29-Jan-21 22-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 30-Apr-21 14-May-21
5-Mar-21 19-Mar-21
1-Jan-21 25-Jan-21 18-Jan-21 2-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 $1,000
9-Oct-20 2-Nov-20 26-Oct-20 8-Jan-21 22-Jan-21
6-Nov-20 30-Nov-20 23-Nov-20 5-Feb-21 19-Feb-21
4-Dec-20 28-Dec-20 21-Dec-20
11-Sep-20 5-Oct-20 28-Sep-20 11-Dec-20 25-Dec-20
14-Aug-20 7-Sep-20 31-Aug-20 13-Nov-20 27-Nov-20 $1,000
15. Prizes will be sent within 6 weeks of being published.
16. The Promoter may conduct such further draws [refer to date schedule at Clause 16] at
the same time and place as the original draw in order to distribute any prizes unclaimed
by this date, subject to State and Territory legislation. Winners of any further draws will
be notified by mail and their names will be published in New Idea magazine on sale
[refer to date schedule at Clause 16].
Prize on offer
17. Total competition prize value is $7,000 as of 25/05/20.
18. Total prize value is $1,000 across 4 issues, in 7 monthly draws. Each draw comprises of 6
x $100 cash and 8 x $50 cash.
19. For any cash prizes your name on your entry must be that of an eligible bank account to
which a cheque can be cashed. All prize values are in Australian dollars. The Promoter
makes all reasonable efforts to send cheques in the names as specified in the original
entry. Winning entries with only a family name or reference to a family as the entrant
cannot be cashed by banks. If the winner of any prize is under 18 years, the prize may be
awarded to the winner’s nominated parent or guardian on behalf of the winner, at the
discretion of the Promoter.
20. In all draws, the Promoter will conduct a random draw corresponding to the number of
Prizes in the draw, from highest to lowest prize value, beginning with the major prize.
As entries are opened they are allocated a prize so long as the entrant has answered the
associated question correctly. If the associated answer is left blank or is answered
incorrectly then the entry is put aside and a new entry is drawn for the purpose of
awarding that particular prize. Once that prize is awarded, the as yet unawarded entry
will be assigned the next highest value prize for which it has answered the associated
answer correctly. This process is continued for each prize on offer in the draw until each
prize category is exhausted and all prizes are awarded.
Further Terms and Conditions
21. The Promoter (subject to State and Territory Legislation) reserves the right to amend,
cancel or suspend this competition if an event beyond the control of the Promoter
corrupts or affect the administration security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of
this competition. The Promoter will disqualify any individual who has tampered with the
entry process or any other aspect of this competition.
22. The Promoter and their associated agencies and companies is not liable or responsible
for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer
on line systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, technical
problems of the phone or of any phone network, or any misadventure, accident, injury,
loss (including but not limited to consequential loss) or claim that may occur during the
draw; whilst undertaking any travel won on or connected with their entry into the draw;
in the participation in any prize; as a consequence of late, lost or misdirected mail, email
or phone call; due to the broadcast of any program relating to the competition or the
publication of any material, including any statements made by any compere, staff
member, journalist, other entrants or any other person; any injury or damage to
entrant’s or any other person’s computer software or phone; or any combination
thereof, related to or resulting from participation or sending or receiving of any
communication or of any materials in this competition.
23. Any cost associated with accessing the promotional website is the entrant’s
responsibility and is dependent on the Internet service provider used.
24. All competition entries must be able to be posted to and received at the post office box
address supplied for the particular competition. No hand delivered or bulky entries will
be accepted upon receiving at the Promoters premises for any competition, unless
otherwise stated herein. Mail entries that contain any objects that have not been
requested by the Promoter (such as backing cards or excess paper) will not be
accepted. Any entries that do not follow these requirements will be deemed invalid and
will not be received by the Promoter or its agents. The Promoter and its agents take no
responsibility whatsoever for such entries that do not follow these prescribed
guidelines. The Promoter advises entrants not to send entries to the Promoter’s street
address as these entries may be deemed invalid.
25. The promoter highly recommends a DL-sized (business) envelope is used in submitting
postal entries. Entries sent via Registered mail will not be guaranteed entry into the
competition due to increased sorting, handling and storage required by Australia Post.
Entries sent in smaller unique envelopes are known to have issues when being sorted
electronically by Australia Post. The Promoter also encourages competition entrants to
clearly write on their envelope the full name and address of the competition they are
entering for ease of processing by Australia Post and therefore entry into the
26. Any entrant found to be using any form of software or third party application to enter
multiple times (including scripting software) will have all entries invalidated and any
claim to any prize will be invalidated. If such an entrant is awarded a prize and then
found to have breached this clause, the entrant must immediately return any awarded
prize to the Promoter. The Promoter has sole discretion to determine if this clause has
been breached by any entrant. The Promoter reserves the right to request whatever
documentation it deems necessary to confirm if the entrant has breached this clause.
An entrant must provide any requested documentation to the Promoter upon request.
27. Any entrant found to have used a third party (including online competition entry site) to
enter on their behalf will have all entries invalidated and any claim to any prize will be
invalidated. If such an entrant is awarded a prize and then found to have breached this
clause, the entrant must immediately return any awarded prize to the Promoter. The
Promoter has sole discretion to determine if this clause has been breached by any
entrant. The Promoter reserves the right to request whatever documentation it deems
necessary to confirm if the entrant has breached this clause. An entrant must provide
any requested documentation to the Promoter upon request.
28. Any entrant found to be entering incorrect contact details, including incorrect email
contact details, will have all entries invalidated and any claim to any prize will be
invalidated. If such an entrant is awarded a prize and then found to have breached this
clause, the entrant must immediately return any awarded to the Promoter. The
Promoter has sole discretion to determine if this clause has been breached by any
entrant. The Promoter reserves the right to request whatever documentation it deems
necessary to confirm if the entrant has breached this clause. An entrant must provide
any requested documentation to the Promoter upon request.
29. If the prize is unavailable, for whatever reason, the Promoter reserves the right to
substitute the prize for a prize of equal or greater value, subject to State Regulation. It is
a condition of accepting the prize that the winner must comply with all the conditions
of use of the prize and prize supplier’s requirements.Each prize must be taken as stated
and no compensation will be payable if a winner is unable to use the prize as stated.
30. The Promoter highly recommends a current residential street address be provided
when requested for ease of correspondence and potential prize delivery. The Promoter
makes all reasonable efforts to deliver prizes to the addresses provided by competition
entrants. The Promoter cannot guarantee that any prizes returned to the Promoter due
to non-delivery at the provided address will be re-sent to the prize winner.
31. The Promoter reserves the right to request winners to sign a winner’s deed of release or
any other relevant forms or agreements that the Promoter deems necessary, to provide
proof of identity, proof of age, proof of residency at the nominated prize delivery address
and/or proof of entry validity (including phone bill) in order to claim a prize. Proof of
identification, residency, age and entry considered suitable for verification is at the
discretion of the Promoter. In the event that a winner cannot provide suitable proof, the
winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered.
32. The Promoter reserves the right to redraw in the event of an entrant, claiming to be a
winner, being unable to satisfy these Terms and Conditions.
33. The Promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of the competition is final and binding
on each person who enters. No correspondence will be entered into. No responsibility is
accepted for late, lost or misdirected entries. Prizes are subject to availability, not
transferable or exchangeable and, with the exception of cash prizes, cannot be taken as
cash. Prizes will be sent to the winner’s nominated address as stated in their original
entry. The Promoter and their associated agencies, and companies associated with this
promotion will take no responsibility for prizes damaged or lost in transit.
Copyright, Statutory guarantees, Waiver and liability
34. The Promoter collects personal information (“PI”) to conduct the Promotion and may
disclose such PI to third parties, including but not limited to agents, contractors, service
providers, prize suppliers and, as required, to regulatory authorities. Entry in the
Promotion is conditional on providing this PI. The Promoter will also use and handle PI
as set out in its privacy policy, which is available at
In addition to any use that may be outlined in the Promoter’s privacy policy, the
Promoter may also, for an indefinite period, use the PI for promotional, marketing,
publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sending electronic messages or
telephoning you. For New Zealand entrants, under the Privacy Act 1993, you have the
right to access and request the correction of any PI held by the Promoter. You should
direct any request to opt out, access, update or correct PI to the Promoter and direct
any complaints regarding treatment of you PI as set out in the Promoter’s privacy
policy. All entries become the property of the Promoter.
35. In participating in the prizes, the winners agree to participate and co-operate as
required in all editorial activities relating to the Competition, including but not limited
to being interviewed and photographed. The winners (and their companions) agree to
granting the promoter a perpetual and non-exclusive licence to use such footage and
photographs in all media worldwide, including online social networking sites, and the
winners (and their companions) will not be entitled to any fee for such use.
36. Prize winners are advised that tax implications may arise from their prize winnings and
they should seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of that prize.
37. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limit, exclude or modify or purports to limit,
exclude or modify the statutory consumer guarantees as provided under the
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), as well as any other implied warranties
under the ASIC Act or similar consumer protection laws in the State and Territories of
Australia (“Non-Excludable Guarantees”). Except for any liability that cannot by law be
excluded, including the Non-Excludable Guarantees, the Promoter (including its
respective officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence),
for any personal injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether
direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the promotion.
38. Except for any liability that cannot by law be excluded, including the Non-Excludable
Guarantees, the Promoter (including its respective officers, employees and agents) is
not responsible for and excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal
injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect,
special or consequential, arising in any way out of: (a) any technical difficulties or
equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft,
unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or prize claim that is late,
lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the
Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any
variation in prize value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions; (e) any tax liability
incurred by a winner or Entrant; or (f) use of a prize.
39. For the purposes of NSW state lottery departments the individual prize pool will not
exceed $1000 and the total prize pool for the entire promotion will not exceed $100,000.
40. For the sake of clarity, the first individual promotional period will commence on 29th
June 2020 and the last closing date will be 11:59pm (AEDST) on 17th
January 2021. The last
draw will be on 29th
January 2021.
41. Authorised under permit no. LTPM/20/05586.