Fairfield Central SC Townsville – Win 1/3 $20 Gift Cards/closes 6pm (prize valued at $60)

Competition Terms and Conditions Page 1
Term and Conditions
1. The Competition commences on the Start Date and ends on the End Date.
2. Entry into the Competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Entry is open to Eligible
Entrants and by entering the Competition the entrant certifies that he or she is an Eligible Entrant.
3. An Eligible Entrant may enter the Competition by complying with the Entry Procedure and an Eligible
Entrant will not have entered the Competition unless and until the Eligible Entrant does so in accordance
with the Entry Procedure. It is the Eligible Entrant’s responsibility to comply with the Entry Procedure.
4. The Promoter reserves the right to exclude any Ineligible Entries. The Promoter’s decision regarding any
Ineligible Entries and all other matters regarding the Competition is final and no correspondence will be
entered into.
5. There is 1 Prize available for the Winner of the Competition in each age division. The Prize is non-
transferable unless and except as provided in these Terms and Conditions and cannot be split into
individual components. The Prize cannot be used in conjunction with any other special offer or discount
relating to the Centre and is not in any circumstances redeemable for cash. Any images of the Prize used
in promoting the Competition are for illustration purposes only and may not be of the actual Prize itself.
Except for any costs or inclusions expressly referred to as part of the Prize, the Winner will be responsible
for any costs of and incidental to accepting or using the Prize.
6. The Winner will be determined and announced by the Promoter in accordance with the Competition
Determination Procedure. The Winner must comply with the Claiming Requirements in order to claim the
Prize. In the event that the Winner does not comply with Claiming Requirements within the time prescribed,
then the Promoter may elect to deem the Winner no longer eligible to claim the Prize in which case the
Promoter will determine a new Winner in accordance with the Competition Determination Procedure. If
necessary, multiple draws may be made until a Winner claims the Prize in accordance with the Claiming
7. The Promoter’s decision on all matters relating to the Competition is final and no correspondence will be
entered into. In the event that for any reason the Prize is unavailable to be provided to the Winner, the
Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Prize with a similar Prize of equal value.
8. The Winner agrees to be photographed upon request by the Promoter and the Promoter may also take
video footage of the Winner accepting the Prize. The Winner authorises any such photographs and video
footage to be used and published along with the Winner’s name by the Promoter in marketing and
promotional materials for the Centre.
9. By entering the Competition, the entrant automatically opts in and consents to receiving marketing materials
and communications on behalf of the Promoter regarding the Centre. The entrant may subsequently
choose to opt out of receiving these at any time.
10. If the Competition is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably
anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the
right in its sole discretion to the fullest extent permitted by law to disqualify any entrant or to modify,
suspend, terminate or cancel the Competition as appropriate. In the event that an entrant of the
Competition or the Winner fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions, then the Promoter may
determine that such person is ineligible to enter the Competition, claim the Prize and/or retain the Prize (as
the case may be).
11. The Prize is awarded “as is” and the Promoter makes no warranty, representation or guarantee, express
or implied, in fact or law, relating to the quality, fitness for purpose or use of the Prize. Except for any
Competition Terms and Conditions Page 2
liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents)
excludes all liability (including negligence) for any personal injury or any loss or damage (including loss of
opportunity) whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising in any way out of the Competition,
including but not limited to where arising out of use of the Prize or any theft, unauthorised access or third
party interference or any claim or Prize that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not
after receipt by the Promoter). Each Eligible Entrant grants the Promoter the full unhindered right to use,
copy, and distribute or otherwise deal with the content of the entry into the Competition in any manner the
Promoter sees fit. The laws of the State of Queensland will govern this Competition.
12. The following definitions apply to these Terms and Conditions:
Items Valued at
1 x Woolworths Gift Voucher for under 5 age group $20
1 x Woolworths Gift Voucher for 5-10 age group $20
1 x Woolworths Gift Voucher for 11-15 age group $20
Total Value $60
Centre: Fairfield Central Shopping Centre
Promoter: Landel Pty Ltd ACN 010 889 193 as trustee & Fairfield Land Pty Ltd ACN 070
431 220
Competition: The Competition titled Christmas Colouring Competition, as contemplated
in these Terms and Conditions.
Start Date: 8am Monday 19 November 2018
End Date: 5pm Sunday 16 December 2018
Eligible Entrant: A person who is eligible to enter the Competition who meets the following
15 years and under;
Must be an Australian citizen; and
The person complies with these Terms and Conditions.
Ineligible Entrant: A person is not eligible to enter the Competition for any of the following
The person is not an Eligible Entrant; or
The person is an employee of the Promoter or immediate family
member of an employee of the Promoter. This includes all tenants and
employees at the Centre and their immediate family members.
Entry Procedure: Download a colouring sheet from http://fairfieldcentral.com.au/whats-on/
or collect a colouring sheet from the Chill Out Zone at the Centre.
Colour in and fill in the contact details and place in the entry barrel before
5pm Sunday 16 December 2018.
Ineligible Entries An entry in the Competition by an Ineligible Entrant.
The Winner of the Competition in each age division will be randomly drawn by
Tuesday 19 December. The Promoter will contact the Winners by phone on or
before Friday 21 December 2018. If a Winner has not provided suitable contact
details another Winner will be drawn.
In order for a Winner to claim the Prize, the Winner must:
Be accompanied by an adult with photo ID; and
Collect the Prize from the Centre.
Winner: The Eligible Entrant whose entry is determined as winning the Prize in the
manner contemplated in these Terms and Conditions, subject to that Winner’s
Competition Terms and Conditions Page 3
compliance with the Terms and Conditions and claiming the Prize in the
manner specified.
Terms and
The terms and conditions applicable to the Competition, as set out in this