Slim Diva – Win Vanuatu Holiday At Havannah Harbour Resort Valued At $4,000

Win an Indulgent Long Week-End for two, at the ultra luxury Havannah Harbour Resort in Vanuatu, valued at $4’000- Including Airfares, Accommodation and Meals

Here is how to enter

1-Simply go to our online store and order your carton of Slim Diva “Ready to Drink” before Sunday January 18.

At the check out click on “Add Coupon” enter- Havannah- and your details will automatically go into the prize pool. In the mandatory (Recommended By) commentary box also write -Havannah

Now, for even a greater chance to win!!

2-Recommend Slim Diva to 5 or more of your friends.

When they purchase, you will receive an additional two (2) entries into the holiday pool for each purchase they make, thereby TRIPLING your chances to win for each purchase. Your friends may also use the -Havannah- code and they will receive 1 entry into the prize pool. Make sure you tell your friends to put YOUR NAME in the (Recommended By) commentary box, to ensure you get your additional entries.

Competition is scheduled to close soon, so act NOW

Note: Winner will be drawn Friday March 28- Holiday times are flexible depending on availability of winner and resort. Offer must be completed by end of 2014.