Pharmacy Best Buys – Win 1 of 5 Kenwood Food Processor

To enter, simply purchase any of the advertised products (excluding pharmacy medicine) and complete an entry form at your participating pharmacy or the one provided on the back page of this catalogue. See in-store for full terms & conditions. Permit numbers: NSW. LTPS/14/001/149 ACT. TP 14/00059
Catalogue Terms and Conditions

Conditions: All items in this publication have been included in good faith on the basis that the goods described will be available at the time of purchase. Illustrations in this catalogue are not to scale. Products only available from participating Pharmacy Best Buys members. A failure by a supplier to deliver in accordance with sample, description or not at all, or other unintentional causes, may result in some lines being unavailable. Accessories not included in price unless stated. Products available and prices are valid until 23/03/14, unless otherwise indicated or unless sold out, while stocks last. We reserve the right to correct any errors or misprints. Not all products are available in all stores. No rainchecks available. Pharmacy Best Buys is a division of Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited. ACN 000 004 320. Pharmacy Best Buys trademarks and associated devices are trademarks of Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited or its related companies. © 2013. Competition details: Promotion commences Monday 10th March, 2014. Entries close 5pm Sunday 23rd March, 2014. The final date for submissions of entries is Sunday 23rd March, 2014. The draw will take place at 12 noon on Wednesday 9th April, 2014 at the offices of Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited: 250 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell, VIC 3124. One winner from each of NSW/ ACT, VIC/TAS, SA/NT, QLD, and WA will be drawn and notified by phone or mail. The March prize is 1 of 5 Cooking Packs valued at $492. Total prize pool is $2460. All winners’ names will be published in “The Australian” on Friday 18th April, 2014. Permit Numbers: NSW. LTPS/14/001/149 ACT. TP 14/00059