The Reel Word – Win ‘taboo’ Season 1 On Blu-Ray

For your chance to win a Blu-ray copy of Taboo season 1, subscribe to THE REEL WORD (check your inbox – including the ‘Junk’ folder – for the confirmation email), then tell us in 25 words or less…

What is your favourite Tom Hardy performance and why?

That’s it! Just send your answer, along with your name, to with “TABOO” in the subject line for your chance to win!

Entry details and conditions:

Competition closes at 11:59 pm, September 14, 2017. AEST.
Only open for those living in Australia.
You must have subscribed to The Reel Word. Don’t forget to check your email account for the confirmation email.
One entry per person.
Decisions are final.
Only winners will be notified via e-mail.
This is a game of creativity and skill.