Samelia’s Mum – Win 1/3 $25 Target Cards – Back To School Giveaway


Back to School {Giveaway}
In Partnership with Target
I have this re-occurring nightmare where I am running around the house, the kids are naked and I am throwing things into plastic bags trying to get ready for the first day of school. Lucky this is only a dream and I am organised……………….aren’t I?

This year, thanks to Target I AM organised. I decided that as we had nothing much on today, we’d grab the note from school listing what was needed for 2014 and head to the local shopping centre. The kids obviously thought this was a delightful idea, as did FlyBoy (note the sarcasm) but I would not be defeated. I was a woman on a mission.

Luckily Target have all I needed to get ready for the up coming school year. First stop was going to be the hardest… school shoes. Little Miss loves shoes so she would be easy, in fact it would be hard getting her to leave the shoe section, but Mr Seven hates the idea of shoes (and especially shoe laces).

We quickly found some funky sneakers with great colours in many styles. However our school is quite strict on black shoes and white runners, much to little Misses disappointment. We soon found black school shoes and runners at great prices, and better yet there was no arguing and the shoes fit first time.

As reward for being good it was off to find back packs. Now we need something sturdy as they get flung into cars, flung across the playground, flung across the house and regularly used as on obstacle at the bottom of the stairs. Target have a great range of bags for both boys and girls of all, from Barbie to Crusty Demons.

The kids had trouble deciding what would be there ‘statement’ for the year but after much deliberation another item was crossed of the list.

On a roll now we headed to the beautiful shelves of stationery – my favourite bit. I was in heaven finding glue sticks, erasers and pencils whilst the kids made the next difficult choice – pencil cases.

Target have some cool stationery packs, perfect for kids and stationery obsessed mums! The kids have a tonne of stationery at home, though most seems to be stored on, under, and in the couch cushions, but it is nice to start the year looking co-ordinated and tidy.

We picked up some extra Crayola Twistables (both pencils and crayons) at half price (yay!) a few reams of printer paper for only $3 and with Monster High and Star Wars pencil cases in hand we were nearly at the finish line.

Only one more item on the list then I was finished. Lunch boxes. I hate lunch boxes. They usually end up broken or lost. Again there were many to choose from. Should I go plastic, insulated or forget it all and buy a big supply of brown paper bags and spend a year getting lunch orders?

Then we found the perfect lunch boxes. Brightly coloured, insulated Smash boxes – perfect to keep their food fresh during those hot summer months ahead (and hopefully cut down on the smell of uneaten bananas).

Now thanks to the Target Back to School Sale we are set and ready to go. Now all I need to do is label everything so it returns when the kids try there best to lose it all.

With thanks to Target, 3 lucky Samelia’s Mum readers will win a $25 gift card to help ‘get back to school’ ready too.

Enter via the giveaway widget below, or leave a comment telling me your best tips on getting “back to school” ready.

Terms and Conditions: 1. Australian Giveaway ONLY 2. Giveaway will close at 5pm on Friday 17 January 2014 AEDST. 3. The judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered upon. 4. The prize will be sent by the promoter. Samelia’s Mum will take no responsibility for any delay, loss or damage to prizes sent to winner/s. 5. Winner/s will be announced on the Samelia’s Mum Facebook page and/or contacted by email. 6. Winner has 7 days to claim the prize. If it is not claimed within this time period, it will be forfeited.