Nova – Win 1 of 4 Appliances Online gift vouchers valued at $500 each

Entry into the Promotion commences at: 6:50pm AEDT Friday 15 October 2021
Entry into the Promotion closes at: 6:50pm AEDT Thursday 21 October 2021

Eligible States and Territories:

How To Enter:

1. Online Entry
During the Promotion Period entrants must complete the online entry form and register their details in the manner required via either the Website ( or the App (The Nova Player) and answer in 25 words or less the question: “What appliance do you have that is in desperate need of an upgrade thanks to Appliances Online and why?”

At various times during the Promotion Period, the Promoter will:
(a) select up to ten (10) entrants deemed to have submitted the ‘best’ entries (based on the Judging Criteria, in the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion) from all valid online entries received up until that stage of the Promotion Period (Selected Entrant);
(b) contact up to ten (10) Selected Entrants by telephone and place them on the standby list for that day (Standby List).

2. Phone entry
At various times during the Promotion Period:
(a) the Promoter will invite entrants to call 13 24 10 during a specified time period;

(b) from the entrants who successfully call 13 24 10, up to ten (10) entrants will be selected by the Promoter (in the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion) (Selected Entrant) and placed on the standby list for that day (Standby List).

3. Appear On Air
At various times during the Promotion Period the Promoter (in their sole and absolute discretion) will:
(a) select up to two (2) Selected Entrants from the relevant day’s Standby List;
(b) contact the Selected Entrant/s on their Personal Contact Number (in the sole and absolute discretion of the Promoter); and
(c) invite the Selected Entrant/s to appear in the On Air Challenge (each a Challenger).
For the avoidance of doubt, the Promoter (in its sole and absolute discretion) will either invite one (1) Challenger to appear on air in the On Air Challenge OR invite two (2) Challengers to appear on air in the On Air Challenge, using their names as buzzers to determine the order in which they get to answer.

4. On Air Challenge
At various times during the Promotion Period, for each On Air Challenge:
(a) the Promoter will have a pre-determined question;
(b) the Challenger/s will be given a category by the Promoter, asked the pre-determined question about the relevant category and will be asked to correctly give five (5) answers relevant to that category within a nominated time period (as determined by the Promoter in its sole an absolute discretion);
(c) if there are two (2) Challengers participating in the On Air Challenge, the first Challenger to buzz in with their name will be able to try and give the five (5) answers first. If the first Challenger guesses incorrectly or does not give five (5) correct answers within the specified time period (as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion), the remaining Challenger will be asked to try and answer the question correctly within the nominated time frame;
(d) if the Challenger can give five (5) correct answers to the question within the nominated time frame (as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion), they will be deemed a winner and awarded a Prize; if the Challenger cannot name five (5) correct answers within the nominated time frame they will not be deemed a winner or awarded a Prize;
(e) should the Challenger/s incorrectly answer, or fail to provide any answers within the specified time period (as determined by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion) the Challenger/s will not be deemed a Prize winner and the Promoter may invite a new Challenger/s from the relevant Standby List (in the Promoter’s sole and absolute discretion) to participate in the relevant contesting spot and repeat steps (a)-(d) above;
(f) the Promoter may (in its sole and absolute discretion) provide clues and hints to a Challenger during a contesting spot however the Promoter is under no obligation to do so.

For the avoidance of doubt the Challenger must give the Promoter five (5) correct answers within the nominated time frame to be deemed a Prize winner and awarded a Prize.

For full Terms and Conditions, please see the link below.