Hoyts Cinemas Redcliffe – Win this Awesome Venom Poster

Brief Terms & Conditions

Prize Values

Total prize pool $3000

Your Chance To Win

Win one of the following prizes

7 entries may only be submitted during the competition period in accordance with the entry procedure and will not be accepted in any other form

Multiple entries are permitted provided that they are submitted on different visits to the participating park

The judges have the discretion to decide that no prize will be allocated or that fewer number of prizes will be awarded including where there are insufficient entries or the entries do not meet the judging criteria

As this is a game of skill we do not anticipate that there will be similar or identical entries received from different entrants

We collect personal information from entrants to conduct the competition

Entries may only be submitted during the competition period in accordance with the entry procedure and will not be accepted in any other form

Entries are permitted provided that they are submitted on different visits to the participating park

Entries will be automatically void if the entry contravenes any law

Entries or the entries do not meet the judging criteria

Entries received from different entrants

Entrants to conduct the competition

Winner prize recipients will be notified by email on or before 12th december 2018

Winners will be notified in accordance with the notification of winner procedure in the schedule

Prizes for visiting parks
Winner based on the most original and imaginative comment.

Winner: Prize recipients will be notified by email on or before 12th December 2018. Prize recipient will also be listed on the Parkapiki website.

Prize Claim Date: Winners must claim their Prize on or before 1st February 2019 from Parkapiki’s offices, unless otherwise negotiated. Prize Procedure: Any unclaimed Prize will be awarded to the next Runner-Up in each competition.

Winners are determined in accordance with the Judging Criteria in the Schedule.

Prize will be allocated or that fewer number of Prizes will be awarded (including where there are insufficient entries or the entries do not meet the Judging Criteria).

Winner may be required to declare their Prize for taxation purposes and will be liable for any tax payable in relation to the Prize. Prize and its potential impact on your personal financial situation prior to entering the Competition.

prizes awarded under these Terms, except for those implied by law which cannot be excluded.

prize or equivalent prize or the repair or replacement by us of the prize supplied to you.

Prize cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash.

Prize is in the form of a gift card or voucher, the Prize is only valid until the expiry date specified on the gift card or voucher and specified by the provider of the gift card or voucher, and subject to the terms imposed by the provider. Prize includes tickets, the tickets are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the provider, including the date or period in which the ticket must be used. Prize includes travel or accommodation, the Winner and any travelling companions are required to travel at the same time. Prize includes flight or train departures, then the Winner and any travelling companions must depart from the same capital city. Winner or any travelling companions to that capital city for departure. Prize recipient or any travelling companion is unable to travel on a nominated date or do not use an element of the Prize within the time specified by us or the provider then that portion of the Prize is deemed to be forfeited by the recipient and no cash or prize substitution will be provided to the Prize recipient.

Winners will be notified in accordance with the Notification of Winner procedure in the Schedule. Prize must be collected by the Prize Claim Date in accordance with any conditions specified in the Schedule.

Winner’s entry invalid and to redistribute the unclaimed prize in accordance with the Unclaimed Prize Procedure as described in the Schedule, subject to any directions given by any relevant authority.

How To Enter

To enter please visit https://parkapiki.com/winapiki/pikapark

To enter a Competition.