Food Matters – Win Body Confidence Prize pack

Our Food Matters Facebook page has grown from a small community that loved our film to 1 million health & wellness lovers!

So, a million times over, THANK YOU!! Without each and every one of you, we wouldn’t be able to create this supportive space. You’re one in a million and continue to remind us each and every day why we do what we do.

Saying thank you just doesn’t seem like enough, so we’re launching a love-filled giveaway over the next 14 days with over $4,000 in prizes to be won!

We will be releasing 7 hand-picked prize packs that include some of our favorite health products of all time with prizes shipped worldwide!

Check back in every 48 hours, to make sure you don’t miss the release of the next prize pack!

You might be the winner. Here’s to our next big adventure with you!!!

Body Confidence Pack
Proudly brought to you by Jon Gabriel

Gabriel Method Fitness DVD $39
Yoga for Weight Loss DVD $39
Fit Kids Revolution (book) $16.95
The Gabriel Method (Best-selling book) $18.95
Mental Secrets (2-disk Audio Visualization CD) $34.95
Living Goddess (2-disk Audio Visualization CD) $34.95
Super Nutrition Multi-Vitamin $59
Jon’s Daily Omega 3 $45.95
Gabriel Greens (Spirulina) $24.95
Total Digestion (Digestive Enzymes) $24.95
Micro-Flora (Probiotics) $59.95
Mind Body Weight Loss Summit $169
Start Your Transformation DVDs $169

PLUS 1 Year Membership to $99

Total: $835.60
Enter your details below to go in the draw!