Brisbane City Council Lord Mayor’s Green Heart photography comp – Competition

Lord Mayor’s Green Heart Photography competition.

The inaugural Lord Mayor’s Green Heart Photography Competition will take place in 2017, combining the previous competitions for the public and students.

This year we’re asking you to snap creative, emotive and inspiring images that will encourage viewers to protect and enhance Brisbane’s natural environment through making sustainable choices. It’s all about how we can work towards keeping Brisbane clean, green and sustainable together.

How to enter and vote:

The entry portal will be open 8 September to 8 October 2017. Thirty finalist images will be open for public voting 14-24 October.

If you would like to be notified when the entry portal opens, please email the Green Heart team.

Theme: Keeping Brisbane clean, green and sustainable

This competition is all about how you might inspire people towards acting more sustainable in daily life.

Council recently released Brisbane. Clean, Green, Sustainable 2017-2031, the most ambitious environmental agenda in Brisbane’s history. Read the full or highlights document to see how far we’ve come as a city, targets we’re working towards and how we can all contribute.


Clean can mean contributing to a low carbon city, working towards cleaner air, and reducing, reusing and recycling resources as much as possible.

Green can mean growing our urban forests, creating more shade in neighbourhoods, enjoying shared outdoor green spaces, protecting enough bushland and parks to fill more than 13,000 Suncorp Stadiums and growing biodiversity to ensure Brisbane’s 35% natural habitat cover stays on track for 40%.


Sustainable can mean choosing green transport options more often, being smart with how we use and enjoy water, designing Buildings that Breathe and neighbourhoods that embrace development that enhances our sub-tropical lifestyle.


* Primary school ages
* Secondary school ages
* Open.

All entrants will need to provide a short statement explaining how their image encourages residents and visitors to protect and enhance Brisbane’s natural environment through making sustainable choices.