Allen Unwin Teen – Win One Of Two Copies of Counting Stars

WIN – COUNTING STARS by Kerris Stainton

A new life in a new city – what could possibly go wrong . . . ?

When 18-year-old Anna leaves school and moves to Liverpool, she feels like her life is finally beginning. A dream job and a new home with fun flatmates. What more could she want?

But life can be a little overwhelming! Her job falls through and her fun new friends turn out to be a bit mixed-up… and it’s not long before Anna starts using her blog to talk about her experiences. But when Anna spills a bigger secret than she can handle, suddenly the consequences are all too real.

Can Anna make it in the city or will she lose everything she’s dreamed of?

For your chance to win one of TWO copies just tell us, in 25 words or less, which city you’d love to move to and why…

Competition closes 5pm EST 31 August 2017.