Taken by Surprise – win a Crowned by flowers headpiece

Here it is! The giveaway I have been promising is finally here–To celebrate Taken By Surprise passing 200,000 page views, one lucky person will win a one-of-a-kind CrownedByFlowers headpiece.

So, how do you enter? It’s super easy, just follow the prompts in the Rafflecopter widget below! It is required that you like both Taken By Surprise and CrownedByFlowers on Facebook to enter, but you can also earn extra entries if you would like by following my other social media accounts.

And yes, this giveaway is international! When the giveaway ends in three weeks (26/02/14 at 00:00 AEDT), I will contact the winner and from there they will be able to choose their prize from the CrownedByFlowers Etsy store.