Button Baby – Win $200 worth of toys

Win $200 worth of toys for Chrissy!

Find six treasure chests on the Button Baby site and enter at the link below:

Link to enter: http://www.buttonbaby.com.au/blog/entertaining-babies-toddlers/treasure-hunt-to-win-200-toys.html#more-198

How to enter

Enter the draw via entry widget further down this post.

In order to have a valid entry you will need to “LIKE” the Facebook page of Button Baby. One “LIKE” will give you one point, and you must have one point for your entry to be valid.

You will also need to click this link to Survey Monkey and answer which six products you found the treasure chest next to. DO NOT pop these answers into the blog comments below as they will be deleted. If you haven’t looked for your treasure chests yet, you can start here: http://www.buttonbaby.com.au/

You can earn EXTRA points (entries) by:

Sharing the giveaway on Facebook. Simply CLICK HERE and type “I just did a Treasure Hunt on Button Baby to win $200 worth of toys!”
Comment on the blog below, answering the question: What would $200 worth of toys for Chrissy mean to your family?
Tweeting about the giveaway or follow Button Baby on Twitter.
Following Button Baby on Pinterest.

Competition ends 14 December 2013 at 11.59pm AEST.