Vodafone World of Difference – Take a year of paid charity leave

More information for applicants

In the program’s 11th year, we’re looking to fund up to two applicants to take a year of Paid Charity Leave. The successful applicant will receive a salary from their chosen charity of $70,000 as well as $15,000 to cover any expenses in doing their good deeds.

If you’d like to make a big difference for a great cause, then apply now and tell us how you will make a World of Difference.

Making a world of difference is serious business. We’re looking for passionate people that are ready to start their journey from May 2014. If you think you have what it takes, you’ll need to compel us with your story. Remember, we only have space for up to two candidates, and we usually get hundreds of applications each year. Before you apply, please get in touch with your charity of choice to see if they are onboard with your vision.

Entries are open from 9am EDST 3 February until 5pm EDST 3 March, 2014. If you’re short-listed, we’ll get in touch by 17 March 2014, and the final participant/s will be selected through by our panel by 31 March 2014. Good luck!

More information for charities

Like to get involved with the Vodafone Foundation World of Difference? Whilst you can’t volunteer your charity into the program, you can encourage applicants to choose you as their charity of choice – so long as you are endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient with status Item 1. So start spreading the word to be in the running for a fully paid resource for 12 months. There are no restrictions to the number of applicants that would like to work for your charity, but only one placement will be given per charity if they are successful.

Applying for this is a big job. Make sure you read the terms before applying.

To send your application, email us at vodafone.foundation@vodafone.com.au with World of Difference application as the subject before 5pm EDST 3 March 2014.

Vodafone Foundation
World of Difference terms &
conditions (aka the nitty gritty)
The application process
1. The info on how to apply is also a part of these terms and conditions. If you’re an Australian resident over 18
years old and you can start your new charity gig by 5 May 2014, you should be good to apply. If you do apply,
you agree to these T&Cs.
2. You can only enter once, and you need to do so between 9am EDST on the 3 February and 5pm EDST on 3
March, 2014. This is not a game of chance – we’ll read your application (so try to make it good).
3. To apply, you have to complete the online application form and nominate one Australian registered charity
or not-for-profit organisation with ‘deductible gift recipient (DGR) status’ (endorsed under item 1 of the table
in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) (“chosen charity”) where you want to work for the
year (“your year of Paid Charity Leave”). You must also to be able complete your year of Paid Charity Leave
between May 2014 and May 2015. If you can commit to these dates, then in 500 to 2000 words, describe
the nature of the work that your chosen charity does, why you think it’s so valuable and the role you’d be
filling – what are you going to do to help them out? You can only select one chosen charity and you have to
contact them to confirm that they’re happy to have you come work for them if you make the cut. If you need
any particular qualification for the role, it’s up to you to sort that out before the start date, or work something
out with your chosen charity. Once you’ve submitted your application, you can’t change it, or your mind
about the chosen charity. And if you don’t give us all the info we ask for, sadly you won’t be considered for
the job. Good to go? Good.
Judging and selection of participants
4. We’ll go through and individually judge your application based on its humanitarian and charitable merit and
whether we think it’s feasible to make it happen. We’ll also look the skills that you can bring to the role with
your chosen charity. Throughout the selection process, you need to accept that the Vodafone Foundation’s
decision is final. It’s a tough gig and we get lots of applications – if you don’t make it this year, we’re sorry, but
there’s always next year.
5. The judges will decide upon a shortlist of up to 25 people (‘finalists’) from all the valid applications received.
The finalists must get the consent of their chosen charities to employ and supervise them in an agreed role
and location. If a finalist’s chosen charity does not wish to participate or does not wish to employ them in the
role, then an alternative finalist may be selected in their place – so make sure you talk to your chosen charity
before applying. If you make the cut, we’ll email you to let you know by 17 March 2014. You’ll then have to:
a) Participate in a telephone interview with a panel of judges (who may include nominated representatives
of the Foundation and previous successful applicants) at some point between 17 March 2014 and 24
March 2014. If we can’t get in touch with you or you don’t confirm your intention to participate as a
finalist by 24 March 2014, or you’re unable to participate in the interview on the date set, we’ll have to
choose an alternative finalist to take your place.
b) Submit your current CV including two character references (from people who aren’t related to you and
are 18 years or older) and copies of any relevant qualifications;
c) Confirm that you’re able to begin work in the role on or before 5 May 2014;
d) Confirm that you’ve read, understood and agree to abide by these terms and conditions;
e) Confirm in writing that you’ve disclosed any criminal convictions you may have to the Vodafone
f) Confirm in writing that by accepting your offer of employment from your chosen charity from 5 May
2014, you will not breach any existing contract or agreement with your current or a former employer,
business partner or with any other person or entity; and
g) Agree to be employed by your chosen charity on terms to be nominated by that charity for a period of up
to 12 months from May 2014
6. From the finalists, up to 10 will then be selected to attend an interview in person with the judges. Interviews
will take place between 4 April 2014 and 11 April 2014. As a result of this interview, the judges will select up
to two successful applicants (based on the selection criteria in section 4). If one of them is you, we’ll call you
by 17 April 2014 to let you know the good news
7. If after that gruelling (but exciting) process you’re a successful applicant, you’ll need to be in Sydney at
Vodafone Head Office for an all day induction day on 5 May 2014
8. From that date, through to the end of your year of Paid Charity Leave in May 2015, you’ll have to make
yourself available to the Foundation and VHA for involvement in some PR (media interviews with print, radio,
TV or online media, and maybe some fancy head shots too), and internal Vodafone presentations as
reasonably required.
9. If it’s needed by your chosen charity, you may have to undergo a medical examination for insurance
10. If you are successful, your role will be subject to a contract of employment which will be between yourself
and your chosen charity (“Employment Contract”).
11. You are responsible for your own arrangements with your current employer (and/or educational institution,
if necessary) be it 12 months leave, resignation, or just putting things on hold.
12. Neither Vodafone Hutchison Australia (“VHA”), the Foundation or your chosen charity are at all liable for any
damage or loss that may occur, except for any liability that, by law, can’t be excluded.
13. If successful, you will be subject to the terms of the Employment Contract between yourself and your
chosen charity. Your year of Paid Charity Leave is intended as just that, a year. It is not an offer of ongoing
employment with your chosen charity, but play your cards right and who knows. Once your year of Paid
Charity Leave has finished (even if, for some reason, it ends early) it’ll be you responsibility to find another job
if you want one. Neither VHA, the Foundation or your chosen charity are at all responsible for seeking or
giving you a new job.
Support from Vodafone Foundation
14. If you’re successful, the Foundation will make a donation to your chosen charity of $85,000 to cover your
salary and expenses, provided said charity agrees to the points set out below in clause
15. Should the charity not agree, the Foundation, at its discretion, may choose not to make the donation. It’s
pretty unlikely that that would occur, but you need to know it could happen.
16. It’s the Foundation’s intention that your chosen charity use the donated money to pay you an annual gross
salary and to help cover your work related expenses. We do acknowledge, however, that once we’ve made
the donation, the charity may use the funds in any way it wishes.
17. The Foundation will write to your chosen charity and notify them that we intend to make the donation, and
noting that the we:
a) understand that the donation will be used to pay your salary and expenses;
b) request that we are notified if the charity intends to use the donation for any other purpose;
c) request that the charity acknowledge the Foundation’s assistance in any published or
d) displayed material (a mere acknowledgement, that’s all); and
e) request that the charity provide feedback as to how the donation has been used.
Support from VHA
18. If successful, VHA will provide you with a mobile phone connected to the Vodafone network, (the exact
model is a secret, VHA will tell you later) to use during your year of Paid Charity Leave (“VHA phone”). They
may have a few conditions as to what you can use your VHA phone for. They might let you keep it afterwards,
if you’re a good boy or girl, but you’d be responsible for your own connection after that.
19. In addition to using your VHA phone for employment purposes by the charity, you agree to use it to provide
written, audio and visual updates and reports to VHA and the Foundation as to their employment experiences
as required
20. You may need to enter into a separate agreement with VHA (“VHA Agreement”) regarding clauses 7, 17 and
18 and anything else that may come up.
21. 21. If you’re not a good boy or girl and you do something naughty, VHA may decide to terminate your VHA
Agreement straight away (but you wouldn’t be naughty, would you).
22. If your employment with the charity is terminated for any reason, VHA may then terminate the VHA