Keno Qld & Star Hotel Group -Spend $10 to – Win a Minor Prize In Accordance With The (prize valued at $20,440)

1. The “Star Hotel Group” Promotion (the Promotion) will commence at 12:01am on 13
October 2019 and end at 11:59pm on 26 January 2020 (the Promotional Period).
2. The promoter is Keno (QLD) Pty Ltd (ACN 071 366 446) of Level 21, Tower 2, 727
Collins Street, Docklands, Victoria 3008, telephone (03) 9218 1002 (the Promoter).
3. The Promotion will be conducted by the Promoter at selected retail venues located in the
State of Queensland (Participating Venues). A full list of Participating Venues is located
at Appendix One of these Terms and Conditions (Terms).
4. In order to participate in the Promotion, persons must:
i. be 18 years of age or over;
ii. be an Australian resident;
iii. not be excluded (self-excluded or otherwise) from participation in the game of
Keno or from a Participating Venue; and
iv. satisfy the entry requirements stated in these Terms.
(collectively, an Eligible Participant).
5. To enter the Promotion, an Eligible Participant must, during the Promotional Period:
i. Spend $10.00 or more on the purchase of any Keno ticket at a Participating
Venue (Qualifying Keno Ticket);
ii. Receive and complete relevant details on a secondary ticket (Promotion Entry
Ticket) that is produced automatically by the Keno Host or Operator Terminal
following the purchase of a Qualifying Keno Ticket; and
iii. Place the Promotion Entry Ticket into a barrel/draw box near the Keno Operator
(collectively, a Qualifying Entry).
6. Within the Promotional Period, there are three (3) promotional windows (the Promotional
Windows) for which differing minor prizes (the Minor Prizes) are associated:
i. Between 12:01am on 13 October 2019 2 March 2019 and 11:59pm on 116
November 2019 (the First Promotional Window);
ii. Between 12:01am on 17 November 2019 and 11:59pm on 21 December 2019
(the Second Promotional Window);
iii. Between 12:01am on 22 December 2019 and 11:59pm on 26 January 2020 (the
Third Promotional Window);
7. All Qualifying Entries will go into the draw to win a Minor Prize in accordance with the
Promotional Window relevant to the time at which the Qualifying Entry was made.
8. In addition to the Qualifying Entry receiving entry to the relevant Weekly Promotional
Window, the Qualifying Entry will also be entered into the draw to win the Major Prize for
the Promotion (listed below at Clause 39 to 42).
9. A Qualifying Keno Ticket is only eligible for one (1) Qualifying Entry per Eligible
10. A Qualifying Keno Ticket is only eligible for a Minor Prize within the time period for which
the relevant Promotional Window applies.
11. An entry will be considered invalidated if the relevant ticket is purchased outside of the
Promotional Period, if the cost of the ticket does not equal or exceed $10.00, if the ticket
is subsequently cancelled, or if the Promotion Entry Ticket is illegible or incorrectly filled.
12. By participating in the Promotion, each Eligible Participant agrees to these Terms.
13. All Minor Prizes and Major Prizes (collectively, a Prize or Prizes) will be awarded in the
14. The total cumulative value of all Minor Prizes for this Promotion is $19,440.
15. The total cumulative value of the Major Prize is $1,000.
16. The total value of all Prizes is $20,440.
Minor Prizes
17. A total of fifty-four (54) Minor Prizes will be awarded in the Promotion.
18. Each venue in the Promotion (18 venues in total) will award one (1) Minor Prize in each
Promotional Window.
19. The draw for each Minor Prize will occur on the first Monday following the closure of the
relevant Promotional Window.
20. A maximum of one (1) Minor Prize may be won by an Eligible Participant in each
Promotional Window.
21. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, all costs associated with the Minor Prizes and
other ancillary costs are the responsibility of the winner of the relevant Minor Prize,
including but not limited to insurance/s, taxes, fuel, maintenance and costs associated
with taking delivery of the Minor Prize (as relevant and as the case may be, subject to the
Minor Prize awarded).
22. At the end of each Promotional Window, the venue manager at each Participating Venue
will undertake the draw for the relevant Minor Prize.
23. The relevant Minor Prize will be delivered to the Participating Venue at which the Eligible
Participant made their Qualifying Entry.
The First Minor Prize
24. During the First Promotional Window only, the Minor Prize is an Ice Box (The First Minor
25. The value of the First Minor Prize is $395 (including GST, freight and related costs).
26. A total of one (1) First Minor Prize is available to be won in the Promotion at each
Participating Venue.
27. To be eligible to win the First Minor Prize, a Qualifying Entry must be purchased during the
First Promotional Window.
28. The First Minor Prize draw will occur at 11:00am on 18 November 2019 at each respective
Participating Venue.
The Second Minor Prize
29. During the Second Promotional Window only, the Minor Prize is a Weber Baby Q Barbeque
(The Second Minor Prize).
30. The value of the First Minor Prize is $435 (including GST, freight and related costs).
31. A total of one (1) First Minor Prize is available to be won in the Promotion at each
Participating Venue.
32. To be eligible to win the First Minor Prize, a Qualifying Entry must be purchased during the
First Promotional Window.
33. The First Minor Prize draw will occur at 11:00am on 24 December 2019 at each respective
Participating Venue.
The Third Minor Prize
34. During the First Promotional Window only, the Minor Prize is a BCF Gift Card (The Third
Minor Prize).
35. The value of the First Minor Prize is $250 (including GST, freight and related costs).
36. A total of one (1) First Minor Prize is available to be won in the Promotion at each
Participating Venue.
37. To be eligible to win the First Minor Prize, a Qualifying Entry must be purchased during the
First Promotional Window.
38. The First Minor Prize draw will occur at 11:00am on 27 January 2020 at each respective
Participating Venue.
Major Prize
39. All Minor Prize Winners will be automatically entered into the draw for the Major Prize.
40. The Major Prize available to be won during the Promotional Period is one (1) $1000 Flight
Centre gift card (the Major Prize Winner).
41. The Major Prize will be delivered to the Participating Venue at which the Eligible
Participant made their Qualifying Entry.
42. The Major Prize draw will occur at 11:00am on 3 February 2020.
General information on Prizes
43. If the Promoter reasonably suspects that a Minor Prize Winner or Major Prize Winner is
not an Eligible Participant, has breached these Terms or has acted improperly to
increase their chances of winning a Prize, the Promoter reserves the right to refuse to
award the Prize.
44. All Qualifying Entries will be entered into the relevant Promotional Window in which the
Qualifying Keno Ticket was purchased.
45. For each Promotional Window, the venue manager at each Participating Venue will
conduct a barrel draw to award a Minor Prize.
46. After each Promotional Window has concluded, and each Minor Prize has been drawn,
the Promoter will also conduct a barrel draw to award the Major Prize.
47. The Promoter has absolute discretion and will make any final determination required in
relation to whether a Qualifying Keno Ticket is eligible for the Promotion.
48. All Minor Prizes will be drawn at the Participating Venue at 11:00am on the Monday
following the conclusion of the previous Promotional Window.
49. The Major Prize will be drawn by The Star Hotel Group, 124 Gowan Road, Runcorn,
Minor Prizes
50. Within one (1) business days following the relevant Minor Prize draw, the venue manager
at the relevant Participating Venue will contact the relevant Minor Prize Winner for that
Promotional Window by telephone.
51. Within two (2) business days following the relevant Minor Prize draw, the venue manager
at the relevant Participating Venue will contact the relevant Minor Prize Winner for that
Promotional Window by telephone.
52. Following email notification, the Minor Prize Winner will have five (5) business days to
collect the relevant Minor Prize from the Participating Venue at which they were drawn as
the Minor Prize Winner.
53. Should the Promoter be unable to make initial telephone contact with a Minor Prize
Winners, email correspondence will nonetheless be sent to provide the Minor Prize
Winner with the opportunity to claim the relevant Prize.
54. The Minor Prize Winner must claim the relevant Minor Prize within five (5) days from the
date of which email notification occurs.
55. In the event that validation or verification of the relevant prize winner does not occur, or
the winner does not claim their prize, a redraw will occur one (1) week following the initial
draw for the relevant Promotional Window.
Major Prize
56. The Major Winner will be notified using the contact details provided in the Qualifying Entry
within seven (7) days of the Major Prize draw.
57. The Major Prize Winner must claim the Major Prize by contacting the promoter within two
(2) months of the Major Prize draw.
58. If the Major Prize Winner has not claimed the Major Prize within two (2) months after the
Prize draw, the Major Prize Winner will be deemed by the Promoter to have forfeited any
entitlement to the Major Prize.
59. If required, a redraw will occur at 11:00am on 3 April 2020 at the Star Hotel Group, 124
Gowan Road, Runcorn, Queensland.
60. The redraw winner (the Major Prize Redraw Winner) will be selected in the same way
as the original Major Prize Winner was selected in the Major Prize draw.
61. The Major Prize Redraw Winner will be notified that they have won the Major Prize by
way of email to the address provided with the Qualifying Entry.
62. The Promoter is not responsible for a lost, stolen or damaged Prize. Subject to the
consumer guarantees set out in Division 1 of Part 3-2 of the Australian Consumer Law
(as defined in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (the Consumer
Guarantee), the Promoter does not warrant the merchantability, suitability and/or fitness
for purpose of any goods and/or services awarded as a Prize (if any).
63. The Promoter will not be responsible or liable if for any reason beyond its reasonable
control the Prize is unavailable. The Promoter, in its discretion, reserves the right to
substitute the Prize (or that part of the Prize) with an alternative prize to the equal value
and/or specification, unless to do so would be prohibited by law and subject to the
Consumer Guarantees and to any written directions from a regulatory authority.
64. Information on how to enter the Promotion, and the Prize itself, form part of these Terms
and Conditions. Participation in the Promotion by an Eligible Participant (and acceptance
of a Prize by a Winner) confirms their acceptance of the Terms and Conditions governing
the Promotion.
65. Directors, management and employees of the Promoter or any of the Tabcorp group of
companies or any venue or any agencies associated with the Promotion, and all
members of their respective immediate families, are not eligible to enter in the Promotion.
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “immediate family” means any of the
following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whether natural or by
adoption), parent, step-parent, brother, sister, step-brother or step-sister.
66. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to:
a) request the Winner provide proof of age and identity prior to awarding the Prize;
b) verify the validity of entries and Eligible Participant (including an Eligible Participant’s
identity, age and place of residence) and to disqualify any Eligible Participant whose
entry is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with any
entry process; and
c) refuse to award the Prize if the Promoter reasonably suspects that the Winner is not
eligible, has breached these Terms and Conditions or has acted improperly to
increase their chances of winning the Prize.
67. Identification considered suitable for verification is at the discretion of the Promoter. The
Winner may be required to complete a statutory declaration to confirm their eligibility to
accept the Prize. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does
not constitute a waiver of those rights.
68. In the event of war, terrorism, state of emergency, disaster or for any reason whatsoever
beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promotion is not capable of being
conducted as reasonably anticipated, the Promoter reserves the right (unless doing so
would be prohibited by any law including the consumer guarantees set out in the
Consumer Guarantees) to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion subject to
any written directions from any relevant regulatory body.
69. Decisions of the management of the Promoter are final and binding. No correspondence
will be entered into. To the extent that a situation or issue arises for which these Terms
and Conditions make no provision or in relation to which the relevant Terms and
Conditions are unclear, the Promoter reserves the right to make a decision regarding
such situation or issue in its sole and absolute discretion and such decision will be final
and binding.
70. By entering the Promotion, each Eligible Participant consents to the Promoter using (or
permitting authorised third parties to use) the Eligible Participant’s name, likeness, image
and/or voice (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an
unlimited period of time without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this Promotion
(including any outcome), the Promoter and or products/services supplied by the
71. As a condition of accepting a Prize, the Winner must sign any legal documentation as and
in the form required by the Promoter and/or Prize suppliers in their absolute discretion,
including but not limited to a legal release and indemnity form.
72. In relation to all activities connected with the Promotion, the Winner will refrain from
expressing a negative or disparate view of the Promoter, its operations and any of its
related bodies corporate.
73. The Promoter will collect, use and disclose the Eligible Participant’s Personal Information
(as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) in order to administer and conduct the
Promotion, carry out any activities connected with or related to the Promotion and provide
any related or ancillary goods/services. The Eligible Participant’s Personal Information
may also be used and disclosed in accordance with any other terms and conditions
previously agreed to by the Eligible Participant (if any) and in accordance with the
relevant privacy policy of the Promoter. If an Entrant does not provide the Promoter with
the Personal Information requested by the Promoter, the Promoter may not permit the
Eligible Participant to participate in the Promotion. By entering the Promotion, the Eligible
Participant consents to the Promoter: (a) collecting and using the Eligible Participant’s
Personal Information in relation to the purposes referred to above; and (b) where
considered necessary by the Promoter, disclosing the Eligible Participant’s Personal
Information to third parties, including, but not limited to, Prize suppliers or regulatory
authorities and for any purpose to which the Eligible Participant has previously
consented, including but not limited to, future promotional, marketing and publicity
purposes. Eligible Participants should direct any request to access, update or correct their
Personal Information to the Promoter using the contact details set out above. All entry
forms become the property of the Promoter.
74. Except for any implied condition or warranty (including any applicable Consumer
Guarantee) the exclusion of which from these Terms and Conditions would contravene
any statute or cause any part of these Terms and Conditions to be void (Non Excludable
Condition), the Promoter excludes from these Terms and Conditions all conditions,
warranties and terms, implied by statute, general law or custom. Except for any liability in
relation to a Non Excludable Condition, the Promoter (including its officers, employees,
contractors and agents) excludes all liability whether arising in tort (including, without
limitation, negligence), contract or otherwise for any personal injury or any other loss,
damage, cost, expense, damage or claim suffered, sustained or incurred (including
without limitation loss of opportunity or loss of profits) whether direct, indirect, special or
consequential, arising either directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the
Promotion or the Prize, including (without limitation) the following: (a) any technical
difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control);
(b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or Prize claim
that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after receipt by the
Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any
variation in Prize value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions; (e) any tax
implications; (f) the cancellation or postponement of an event which constitutes the Prize;
and/or (g) a Prize or use of a Prize.
75. All Prize values are GST inclusive, in Australian dollars and are the recommended retail
value as provided by the supplier and are correct at the time of printing. Promotional
pictures may not represent the actual Prizes.
76. Any taxes which may be payable as a consequence of the Winner receiving the Prize are
the sole responsibility of the Winner. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax
implications that may arise from the Promotion or Prize and encourages the Winner to
seek independent financial and tax advice.
77. Any enquiries should be directed to the Promoter.
78. The laws of the state of New South Wales govern the Promotion. The Promoter and
each Eligible Participant submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and
the Commonwealth of Australia in respect of all matters arising out of these Terms and
Appendix One – Participating Venue details (all located in QLD)
# Venue Address Suburb Postcode
1 Australia Hotel – Murgon 65 Lamb Street Murgon 4605
2 Bargara Lakes Tavern 2 Bargara Lakes Drive Bargara 4670
3 Beaudesert Hotel 80 Brisbane Street Beaudesert 4285
4 Crown Hotel – Innisfail 25 Ernest Street Innisfail 4860
5 Gladstone Reef Hotel Motel 38 Goondoon Street Gladstone 4680
6 Hotel Maroochydore 201-207 Main Road Maroochydore 4558
7 Hotel Brandon NQ 54 Drysdale Street Brandon 4808
8 Hotel Pacific Australia Fair Marine Parade Southport 4215
9 Hotel Richlands 140 Government Road Richlands 4077
10 Hotel West End Brisbane 2-16 Browning Street West End 4101
11 Kalamia Hotel 50 Queen Street Ayr 4807
12 Park Avenue Hotel 30 Main Street Rockhampton 4701
13 Raceview Tavern 199 Raceview Street Raceview 4305
14 Railway Hotel Beaudesert 121 Brisbane Street Beaudesert 4285
15 Railway Hotel Yeppoon 76 James Street Yeppoon 4703
16 Runcorn Tavern 124 Gowan Road Runcorn 4113
17 West End Hotel 89 Ingham Road Townsville 4810
18 Windaroo Tavern 159-163 Beaudesert-Beenleigh Road Mount Warren Park 4207