Reel Fun Lifestyle and Fishing – Win a Shimano & Trapman Bermagui Kids Tops

Brief Terms & Conditions

Close Friday 15th of May and the winner will be announced Monday 18th of May

Your Chance To Win

Win a shimano & trapman bermagui kids tops

We welcome all entries and look forward to seeing all the photos and comments.entries close friday 15th of may and the winner will be announced monday 18th of may

Entries and look forward to seeing all the photos and comments.entries close friday 15th of may and the winner will be announced monday 18th of may

Winner will be announced Monday 18th of May
winner will be announced Monday 18th of May

How To Enter

To enter please visit

To win these tops we need you to post the best picture you have of you and your fishing buddy ( you can tag your mate)on a fishing trip and let us know what made you pick that trip, now as per usual we are not necessarily after the biggest fish we are after mates having “Reel Fun”.