Stubbies Schoolwear – Win a $100 voucher for you and one for a friend

Tell us in 100wol about a time when your “back up mum” came to the rescue.

Terms and Conditions Schedule

Item 1: Promotion Name

Stubbies Schoolwear Back Up Mums

Item 2: Permit Number


Item 3: Promoter

The promoter is Pacific Brands Stubbies Schoolwear Pty Ltd
ABN: 82 004 055 387

Of: 159 Kingsgrove Rd, Kingsgrove NSW 2208


Phone: 1800 771 441

Item 4: Website

Item 5: Promotion Registration Dates and Times


Item 6: Promotion Contesting Dates and Times

Starts: 08:00 4/12/13

Ends: 23:59 12/12/13

Item 7: Entrant Restrictions

Open to Australian residents only.

Item 8: Method of Entry

Entrants must complete the entry form available via the promotional app available on the Stubbies Schoolwear Facebook page:

Item 11: Prize Details

Each entrant must nominate the email address of the Back Up Mum that has helped them.

Should they win, they and their Back Up Mum (the owner of the nominated email address) will each win a $100 Stubbies Schoolwear voucher.

Item 12: Prize Winner Publication Details

Winners will be published on the Stubbies Schoolwear Facebook page on or before Wednesday 18/12/13