Veggies & Me – Win Organic Heirloom Seeds, Whole Food Products & Sydney Gym Membership

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year Veggie Lovers!

Thank you so much for following the blog this year. I hope your year has been as special and healthful as mine. I have had a year full of fun, adventure, friendship, love and off course great food.

With Christmas only hours away and New Year just around the corner it is a great time to look ahead to New Years Resolutions. After reflecting on my 2013 I have chosen 3 special giveaways to reflect 3 important aspects to my past year.

Thanks to my fiends at Diggers Club I have a woppingly generous pack of 30 premium organic hierloom seeds to give away. This is the ultimate starter pack for anyone, like me, keen to grow your own and enjoy the positive experience of gardening and eating the freshest produce possible.

Thanks to the incredible people at Mayver’s I have a delicious 8 pack of whole food products for one lucky follower. These #purestate jars of goodness will make your taste buds dance and your tummy love you back. Their amazing range include, black tahini, manuka honey, peanut and cocoa spread, just to name a few.

And to round out this huge give away I have a month’s membership to Hard Candy Fitness in Sydney to give away. Get your blood pumping at this incredible gym in Sydney. They offer a wide range of classes and state of the art facilities. I recommend taking a look at their class schedule and be prepared to be motivated.

This giveaway is only open to those of you with Australian postal addresses. The Hard Candy Fitness month membership is only available in their Sydney CBD gym (48 Druitt Street, Sydney).

*** TO ENTER ***

Simply like the Veggies and Me Facebook page ( and leave a comment listing if you would like to eat whole food, grow your own, or get fit as your New Years Resolution. One winner will be drawn at random for each of these 3 prizes.

Entires close Midnight Saturday January 18th (Sydney time) and the winners will be announced on Sunday January 19th.